LGP (LCM, GCD & Prime Numbers) is a simple and fast app that helps provides solutions for these Mathematical problems.
• L.C.M.
• G.C.D. / H.C.F.
• Prime Numbers
• Factorization
• Divisibility Tests
L.C.M. - Find the Least Common Multiple of 2 to 8 numbers. And you’ll have the answer along with the table showing the steps in acquiring the LCM.
G.C.D. / H.C.F - Find the Greatest Common Divisor or Highest Common Factor for 2 to 8 numbers. Along with the answer, you’ll also find the table showing the working.
Prime numbers - You can view the first 100 prime numbers. And you can also find the prime number in a certain position in the prime number sequence. And lastly you can test whether a number is a prime number or not.
Factorization and prime factors. You can find all the factors for number below 1 billion or the list of all prime numbers that when multiplied give you the number.
And finally a couple of definitions for the various terms used in the app.
Hope you find this app helpful.